Saturday 10 June 2023 was a red-letter day for Dr Raoul Ruben and his leaders, as one page was turned to start a new one. During the conference, an official farewell was said to the Freedom FaithNet Global support system. New, even greater ambitions are on the horizon, with the creation of the new Academy Twenty One (A21) support system.
Each word, image or colour chosen for the design represents a globe, teamwork; the rainbow colours refer to multiculturalism, to the diversity of the world and to global connections which are essential components of Multi Level Marketing. Since change is the foundation of everything, this new system is accompanied by a host of reforms.
The main task is to train coaches. The aim will be to support them in a methodical process that has been scientifically proven and can be duplicated. We'll be drawing on the experience of people who have really succeeded and whose experiences will serve as an example to inspire young people.