• info@academytwentyone.com
  • +237 652 46 46 46
Academy 21

The Founder

Creating and implementing an inspiring and innovative academy didn't happen ex-nihilo. The brilliant mind behind this revolutionary idea is none other than Dr. Raoul Ruben NJIONOU, Founder, Chairman & CEO of A21

His process is highly inspiring for the thousands of people who follow him around the world and identify with his image as an impact leader.

With almost 15 years' experience in the Network Marketing industry and over 20 years in the business world, he has carved out a place for himself on the sun and risen to the top of the social ladder.

Nevertheless, his sense of responsibility and hard work prevent him from resting on his laurels. Helping and supporting his fellow human beings to once again become the architects of their own future is his mission statement.

That's why, year after year, he travels the world with his business partners, with the aim of positively transforming the lives of others through the weekly conferences he organizes.

As a true life coach, testimonies about his significant contribution to the mental, personal and professional development of his community abound across 5 continents. He is also the author of the best-selling book Network Marketing, More than a profession.

A philanthropist at heart, the social actions he carries out on a daily basis are legion and bear ample witness to the great humility and humanism that characterize him.

With such a man at the helm, the Academy Twenty One adventure, though challenging, is sure to be a revolutionary experience, inevitably crowned with immense success.