Just like the wind, it's impossible to hold on to it and make it your own, because once you think you've tamed it, it inevitably slips out of your hands. But that's certainly no reason to stop looking for it or trying to establish it on different levels of life for a perfect balance. This is the main subject addressed by Dr Raoul Ruben at the first conference held in Côte d'Ivoire on Friday September 15, 2023.
It is certainly common knowledge that happiness is above all a state of mind, an ephemeral well-being. But it's up to each and every one of us to ensure our own happiness, particularly on physical, spiritual, social and emotional plans. Working personally on each of these aspects will not guarantee you perfect happiness, but almost complete happiness, which is more than many people can boast.
Actually, true happiness depends solely on yourself. Being happy with yourself and the actions you take on a daily basis. Leaving it up to someone else to ensure your happiness is the surest way to experience the rollercoaster phenomenon of your emotions and remain unhappy.